Integrated Multi-parameter Sensor Operation manual
4.2.4 System Settings Device settings
In settings of the system settings, you can view or set the current "Device Parameters", "Device Time
Settings", "Communication Settings", "Motor Settings" etc. The interface is as shown below.
Device time setting
System time: When the system time is selected, clicking OK will automatically update the computer's
system time to the sensor;
Setting time: When the computer time is not accurate, you can select the setting time. After manually
setting the current time and clicking OK, the manually set time will be updated to the sensor.
Communication settings
Baud rate: 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 115200. When a baud rate is selected and clicked, the PC will
disconnect and need to use the new baud rate to connect.
Slave address: The address is shaped data, the range can be set from 1~255. If the slave address is
changed, the PC will not drop the line and reconnect wirelessly.
Motor setting
Frequency: The unit is minute. The setting is the period of hanging the brush automatically. The example
is “Enter 60, which means scraping once in 60 minutes”.
Manual: Click once to scrape once, taking care not to click continuously, because the hanging brush does