Integrated Multi-parameter Sensor Operation manual
not respond to repeated operations while rotating.
Power-off protection
: Generally, the setting is set to Yes; after the power-off protection is selected, the
sensor will remain in the previous operating state when it is powered off and then re-powered (for
example: 1. Before the power is off, it is online, then power on again. It is still in the online running state;
2. It is the timing acquisition state before the power is cut off, then the power-on is still the timing
acquisition state, but it will automatically wait after the acquisition, wait for the next acquisition start; 3.
Manually shut down before power off State, then power-on is still off, unless the power-on switch is
manually triggered ;).
Sleep cycle
: It is the timing acquisition operation mode. It is necessary to set the timed acquisition mode
to input an integer of more than 5 in the input box, the unit is minute; when set to 0, it means not to enter
the timed acquisition mode, online real-time acquisition mode; when setting the integer of >5, the filled
data represents Automatic start, acquisition complete shutdown, to the next automatic start, a full cycle
time (for example: fill in 60, indicating a complete cycle is 60 minutes, including "start acquisition time
2~3 minutes, standby time = sleep cycle - When starting the acquisition = 57~58 minutes")
Status switching
: This is a shortcut button. This button can quickly set the sleep period of the timing
acquisition mode to 0, and quickly switch to online mode. Software Settings
In software settings, can set "Advanced Settings" as shown in the figure below.