- 153 -
01: Primary circuit
thermal protection
switch has been
Allow the welding
machine to cool down
on its own. • Reduce the
welding time. • Check the
fan is working properly.
01: Intervento
protezione termica
circuito primario.
Attendere il
raffreddamento naturale
della saldatrice. • Ridurre
il tempo di saldatura. •
Verificare la funzionalità
del ventilatore.
02: Secondary
circuit thermal
protection switch
has been triggered.
Allow the welding
machine to cool down
on its own. • Reduce the
welding time. • Check the
fan is working properly.
02: Intervento
protezione termica
circuito secondario.
Attendere il
raffreddamento naturale
della saldatrice. • Ridurre
il tempo di saldatura. •
Verificare la funzionalità
del ventilatore.
03: Power supply
line overvoltage
protection has been
Check the supply voltage
and make sure it is within
the range of Vin +15%.
03: Intervento
protezione per
sovratensione linea
di alimentazione.
Controllare la tensione
di alimentazione ed
assicurarsi che sia
compresa nel range Vin
04: Power supply
line undervoltage
protection has been
Check the supply voltage
and make sure it is within
the range of Vin -15%.
04: Intervento
protezione per
sottotensione linea
di alimentazione.
Controllare la tensione
di alimentazione ed
assicurarsi che sia
compresa nel range Vin
05: Magnetic
thermal protection
switch has been
Allow the welding
machine to cool down
on its own. • Reduce the
welding time. • Check the
fan is working properly.
05: Intervento
protezione termica
Attendere il
raffreddamento naturale
della saldatrice. • Ridurre
il tempo di saldatura. •
Verificare la funzionalità
del ventilatore.
06: Power supply
line phase failure
has been triggered.
Check that the R - S - T
supply phases are
06: Intervento
mancanza fase linea
di alimentazione.
Verificare se le fasi di
alimentazione R- S - T sono
08: Auxiliary voltage
out of range.
If the alarm continues,
contact an authorised
repair centre.
08: Tensione
ausiliaria fuori
Se l’allarme persiste
contattare un centro di
assistenza autorizzato.
09: Air circuit
pressure switch has
been triggered.
No air in the machine
internal circuit. The
machine can not deliver
air to the torch. Check the
pressure reducer is fitted
correctly and/or check the
air delivery.
09: Intervento
pressostato circuito
Manca aria nel circuito
interno alla macchina. La
macchina non può erogare
aria alla torcia. Verificare
il corretto montaggio del
riduttore di pressione e/o
verificare la mandata aria.
15: Torch safety
circuit has been
The torch body Normally
Closed return contact is
missing. Check that the
consumables have been
fitted correctly.
15: Intervento
circuito di sicurezza
Manca il contatto.
Normalmente Chiuso di
ritorno da corpo torcia.
Verificare il corretto
montaggio consumabili.
Warning code: notice without power block:
Codice warning, avviso senza blocco potenza:
07: Excessive dust
inside the machine
Probable accumulation of
dirt inside the machine.
Clean the inside of the
07: Segnalazione
eccessivo deposito di
polvere interno alla
Probabile accumulo di
sporcizia interna alla
macchina. Eseguire pulizia
interna macchina.
11: Torch /
Consumables wear
Check torch consumables
clean and/or replace or, air
pressure is too low.
11: Segnalazione
usura Torcia /
Controllare consumabili
torcia pulire e/o sostituire
oppure, pressione aria
troppo bassa.
14: Serial data error
The RS485 Serial detects
communication errors.
14: Segnalazione
errore nei dati seriali.
La Seriale RS485 rileva
errori di comunicazione.
16: Air circuit
pressure outside
optimal interval
Centre the air pressure
within the range foreseen
for the torch in use.
16: Segnalazione
pressione circuito
aria fuori intervallo
Centrare la pressione aria
nel range previsto dalla
torcia in uso.
17: Power line
instability warning.
Changes in the supply
voltage following
machine absorption in
standard operating mode.
Use a network suitable for
the machine power.
17: Segnalazione
instabilità linea di
Variazioni della tensione
di alimentazione di
seguito ad assorbimento
macchina nel normale
funzionamento. Utilizzare
una rete adeguata alla
potenza della macchina.
TAB. 3
راذنإلا تاراشإ
ةلمتحم لولح
ةيرارحلا ةيامحلا لخدت :01
.ةيلولا ةرئادلاب
ةلآل يعيبطلا دي ب�تلا رظتنا
.ماحللا تقو ضفخ • .ماحللا
.ةحورملا لمع نم ققحتلا •
ةيرارحلا ةيامحلا لخدت :02
.ةيوناثلا ةرئادلاب
ةلآل يعيبطلا دي ب�تلا رظتنا
.ماحللا تقو ضفخ • .ماحللا
.ةحورملا لمع نم ققحتلا •
دهجل ةيامحلا لخدت :03
ةيذغتلا طخ لىع دئاز
نم دكأتو ةيذغتلا دهج صحفا
.Vin+15% ىدملا يف� حوا ت�ي هنأ
دهجل ةيامحلا لخدت :04
ةيذغتلا طخ لىع ضفخنم
نم دكأتو ةيذغتلا دهج صحفا
.Vin-15% ىدملا يف� حوا ت�ي هنأ
ةيرارحلا ةيامحلا لخدت :05
.ةيسيطانغملا تانوكملل
ةلآل يعيبطلا دي ب�تلا رظتنا
.ماحللا تقو ضفخ • .ماحللا
ةحورملا لمع نم ققحتلا •
بايغ ببسب لخدت :06
ةيذغتلا لحارم نم ةلحرم
ةيذغتلا لحارم نأ نم ققحت
.ةلصتم R- S - T
جراخ دعاسملا دهجلا :08
زكرمب لصتا راذنإلا رمتسا اذإ
.دمتعملا ي ف�فلا معدلا
حاتفم ةيامح لخدت :09
.ءاوهلا ةرئاد طغض
ةرئادل يف� ءاوه دجوي ل
ةلآلا عيطتست ل .ةلآلال ةيلخادلا
ققحت .ةلعشلل ءاوه رادصإ
ضفاخل حيحصلا بيك ت�لا نم
.ءاوهلا ردصم وأ/و طغضلا
نامأ ةرئاد لخدت :15
،قلغم ةداع ،لاصتلا بايغ
.ققحت .ةلعشلا مسجل دئاعلا
ءازجألال حيحصلا بيك ت�لا نم
.كلاهتسلال ةلباقلا
:ةوقلا ليطعت نودب راذنإ ،ريذحت زمر
فيثك مكارت نم ريذحت :07
.ةلآلا لخاد ةبرتلال
لخاد تاخاستل لمتحم مكارت
يلىخادلا فيظنتلاب مق .ةلآلا
/ةلعشلا كلاهتب ريذحت :11
.كلاهتلل ةلباق
ةلباقلا ءازجلا نم ققحت
فيظنتلا عم ةلعشلل كلاهتسلال
نوكي نأ وأ لادبتسلا وأ/و
.ةياغلل ضفخنم ءاوهلا طغض
تانايبلا يف� أطخ ريذحت :14
RS485 يلىسلستلا مقرلا رهظي
.لاصتلا يف� ءاطخأ
ةرئاد طغض ريذحت :16
. يلاثملا راطلا جراخ ءاوهلا
يف� ءاوهلا طغض ف ي�كرت
ةلعشلا نم عقوتملا قاطنلا
رارقتسا مدع نم ريذحت :17
.ةقاطلاب ةيذغتلا طخ
ةقاطلاب ةيذغتلا دهج ي�غت
يف� ةللا ليغشت ءدب دعب
متي .ةيداعلا فورظلا لظ
ةوقل ةمئلام ةكبش مادختسا