Figure 4-1. Application example for a 16-port unit.
4.4 Application Example
The example in Figure 4-1 shows one of many possible installation configurations
for the Serial Console Port Manager. In this example, ports have been configured
as follows:
Port 1 (System-Setup Port):
As is commonly done, this port is used for
temporary connections by on-site service personnel, so that they can access the
Command Mode without disrupting other ports. Since Port 1 is a System-Setup
Port, the service tech is allowed password-protected access to Supervisor Level
commands, and is able to connect to any port, change configuration, or
display unit status.
Port 2 (Modem Port):
An external modem has been installed on Port 2. This
port has also been configured for Modem Mode, which allows definition of a
modem-reset string, initialization string, and hang-up string. When a caller
contacts the Port Manager using a modem, a password prompt will be
displayed. If the Supervisor Password is entered, the Port Manager will permit
access to Supervisor-Level Commands; if a Port Password is entered, the Port
Manager will only recognize User-Level Commands. Supervisors are allowed to
adjust port configuration, connect to any port, or review unit status. Users are
only allowed to review status and connect to the ports allowed by their Port