Maintenance and cleaning
Preventive maintenance plan
PREVI™ Color Gram
User’s Manual
D AI L Y m aint en an ce
levels and expiry dates.
This procedure is applicable when the time between two runs exceeds
3 hours.
Before restarting a new staining run successively perform
the CLEAN cycle:
see "CLEAN reprime stage", page 4-2.
the PATTERN test:
see "Pattern test", page 4-3.
After the last run:
the CLEAN cycle alcohol purge stage after the last run,
see "CLEAN alcohol purge stage", page 4-10.
The instrument is on STAND BY and can be switched off.
Spray and wipe the interior of the bowl and the nozzles
with ethanol 70%.
Clean the instrument lid with ethanol 70%.
Check that the maintenance procedures have been
completed by following the "Preventive maintenance
chart", page 7-1 and then sign with your initials.
W E E KL Y mai nt en an ce
Beginning of the week
Perform the "Volume test", page 5-10.
End of the week
Wipe the carousel tray and lid using paper towel
with ethanol 70%.
Flush the waste tubing with 200 to 300 ml of ethanol 70%
to prevent clogging.
Empty the waste container:
see "Emptying the waste container", page 4-13.
Check that the maintenance procedures have been
completed by following the "Preventive maintenance
chart", page 7-1 and then sign with your initials.