Maintenance and cleaning
Preventive maintenance plan
PREVI™ Color Gram
User’s Manual
M O NT HL Y mai nt en an ce
Disassemble and clean all the nozzles:
see "Disassembly", page 5-4.
Perform the B flushing procedure:
see "B line flushing procedure", page 5-13.
Perform the Pattern test: see "Pattern test", page 4-3.
Perform the "Volume test", page 5-10.
If tests are incorrect, see "Nozzle handling", page 5-4
and repeat the tests with the cleaned nozzles.
Check that the maintenance procedures have been
completed by following the "Preventive maintenance chart",
page 7-1 and then sign with your initials.
WASTE DISPOSAL - Dispose of used or unused reagents as well as any other
contaminated disposable materials following procedures for infectious or
potentially infectious products.
It is the responsibility of each laboratory to handle waste and effluents
produced according to their nature and degree of hazardousness and to treat
and dispose of them (or have them treated and disposed of) in accordance
with any applicable regulations.
Y E ARL Y m ai nt en an ce
Contact your bioMérieux representative.