Channel bundling
When channels are bundled, the B channels in an ISDN connection
are combined to increase data throughput.
The Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) is an au-
thentication protocol for PPP connections. As well as the standard
CHAP, Microsoft also has the variants MS-CHAPv1 and MS-
CHAPv2. You dial into a network via PPP and you authenticate
yourself with a username and password. The username and pass-
word are transmitted encrypted. See also PAP.
A block cipher is an encryption algorithm. In this encryption method,
a data block of a fixed size (normally 64 bit) is rewritten to a block of
the same size using a so-called key. The longer the key, the more
secure the algorithm.
A client uses the services provided by a server. Clients are usually
The configuration refers to all of a device's settings. It is stored in-
ternally, in MIB tables. This data can be backed up, loaded and de-
leted externally. The configuration is edited using the HTTP(S) user
interface, an SNMP client or connected telephones.
The term Class of Service (CoS) means different things depending
on the area in which it is applied. In telecommunications CoS refers
to the permission class assigned to the user. The permission class
defines the user's rights, e. g. exchange access right, features that
can be used, access to applications, ... In network technology CoS
refers to the classification of certain services as per IEEE 802.1p.
CoS enables priorities to be set in a targeted way, while Quality of
Service (QoS) is used to set up explicit bandwidth guarantees or re-
strictions. Data packets are classified using a DSCP (Differentiated
Services Code Point) value.
Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) is a method of detecting errors in
the data transmission.
See Certificate.
D channel
See Basic Rate Interface and Primary Rate Interface.
A daemon refers to a program that runs in the background and
provides certain services.
Data compression
Data compression is a method of reducing the data volume transmit-
ted. See STAC and MPPC.
bintec elmeg GmbH
bintec RS Series