Software Update via XMODEM:
The device performs a software update via a console interface with XMODEM.
Delete configuration:
The device is reset to the ex works state. All configuration files are deleted and the
BOOTmonitor settings are set to the default values.
Default BOOTmonitor Parameters:
You can change the default settings of the BOOTmonitor of the device, e.g. the
baud rate for console connections.
Show System Information:
Shows useful information about your device, e.g. serial number, MAC address and
software versions.
The BOOTmonitor is started as follows.
The devices passes through various functional states when starting:
• Start mode
• BOOTmonitor mode
• Normal mode
After some self-tests have been successfully carried out in the start mode, your device
reaches the BOOTmonitor mode. The BOOTmonitor prompt is displayed if you are connec-
ted to the console of your device.
After display of the BOOTmonitor prompt, press the space bar within four seconds to use
the functions of the BOOTmonitor. If you do not make an entry within four seconds, the
device changes back to normal operating mode.
bintec elmeg GmbH
5 Access and configuration
bintec RS Series