Select the interface for which NAT is to be configured.
Possible values:
(default value): NAT is configured for all interfaces.
A$% B
: Select one of the interfaces from the
Type of traffic
Select the type of data traffic for which NAT is to be configured.
Possible values:
% # 5 )3*!
(default value): The data
traffic that comes from outside.
# # % )3*!
: Outgoing data traffic.
>%1# 2 )3*!
: Data traffic excluded from
NAT method
Only for Type of traffic =
# # % )3*!
Select the NAT method for outgoing data traffic. The starting
point for choosing the NAT method is a NAT scenario in which
an "internal" source host has initiated an IP connection to an "ex-
ternal" destination host over the NAT interface, and in which an
internally valid source address and internally valid source port
are translated to an externally valid source address and an ex-
ternally valid source port.
Possible values:
$11 %
(UDP only): Any given external host may send IP
packets via the external address and the external port to the
initiating source address and the initial source port.
% %
(UDP only): Like full-cone NAT; as ex-
ternal host, however, only the initial "external" destination host
is allowed.
+ % %
(UDP only): Like restricted-cone
NAT; however, exclusively data from the initial destination
port are allowed.
(standard value) any protocol: Outbound, an ex-
ternally valid source address and an externally valid source
port are administratively set. Inbound, only response packets
12 Networking
bintec elmeg GmbH
bintec RS Series