VFR Squawk Code
VFR squawk code is a preprogrammed default code when the pilot is flying VFR and
not in contact with ATC. When the pilot presses the VFR button the VFR squawk code
will replace the current squawk code. In the USA the VFR squawk code is 1200 and
in most parts of Europe the VFR squawk code is 7000.
The default VFR squawk code cannot be changed in flight and can only
be set in the configuration mode.
The VFR squawk code is a 12-bit number and is represented as a 4-character octal
number. The rotary CODE knob is used to change each character as required. Each
character of the squawk code is a number between 0 and 7. When the ENT key is
pressed the cursor advances to the next character as shown in Figure 3050.
To advance to the next configuration item without changing the VFR squawk code either
scroll through the four characters by pressing the ENT key four times or press the FN key.
Figure 3050. (Sheet 1 of 1) VFR Squawk Code Display
Call Sign/VFR Flight ID
The VFR flight ID (call sign) is usually one of the following types:
• Type A: The characters corresponding to the registration marking of the aircraft
• Type B: The telephony designator of the aircraft operating agency, followed by the last
four characters of the registration marking of the aircraft
• Type C: The telephony designator of the aircraft operating agency, followed by the
flight ID.
The call sign/VFR flight ID is an eight character alpha-numeric string. The rotary CODE
knob is used to change each character as required. Each character of the flight ID is a
number between 0 and 9 and letter between A and Z. When the ENT key is pressed the
cursor advances to the next character as shown in Figure 3051.
To advance to the next configuration item without changing the VFR flight ID either scroll
through the eight characters by pressing the ENT key eight times or press the FN key.
The call sign/VFR flight ID cannot be changed in flight and can only be set
in the configuration mode.
Figure 3051. (Sheet 1 of 1) Call Sign/VFR Flight ID Display
Groundspeed Threshold
Groundspeed threshold can be used to help determine and verify the ON GROUND
condition for transmitting ON GROUND ADS-B message types for “light fixed wing”
Page 3043
22 Dec 2016
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