The KGX serial and ARINC ports must be configured to enable these data interfaces
and are described in Table 3004.
Table 3004. Data Interfaces for KGX Installation
Control input
Control inputs such as flight plan ID (squawk code), call sign, and mode control
(IDENT, Altitude Inhibit, transmit Standby) are needed by the KGX. The KGX control
panel provides control or the KGX can be configured for other control formats. If
a control format is configured and functional with the KGX control panel installed,
the KGX control panel displays control status but will not accept control inputs.
Serial Port 2 is typically used for control input. Control Input is NOT required for
receive only systems.
GPS input
The KGX requires position, velocity, time, and integrity data from a GPS sensor.
The internal GPS can be used (if equipped) or an external GPS shall be configured
to supply this data. GPS Input is required for all KGX systems.
Altitude input
The KGX requires external pressure altitude data input from an altitude/air data
sensor (ADS). Altitude rate and airspeed shall be used if available in the configured
protocol. Pressure altitude data output can also be configured to share with a
transponder. Serial Port 4 is typically used for altitude Input. Pressure altitude input
is required for all KGX systems.
Heading input
The KGX can optionally receive aircraft true heading data. True heading is sent
in UAT transmit messages on the ground and is also used to more accurately
correlate TCAS and ADS-B Traffic. Heading input is not required but desirable
with TCAS installations.
TCAS input
If the aircraft is equipped with TCAS traffic it shall be input to the KGX so the TCAS
traffic can be integrated with ADS-B traffic and one traffic picture can be presented
to the Display output. The KGX accepts TCAS traffic input through ARINC input
per the ARINC 735 A/B Intruder Labels.
Display output
ADS-B traffic and FIS-B data output can be sent to one or more displays
simultaneously. A display control can also be configured to provide the Control
Input. Three different serial ports can be configured to simultaneously provide
display output:
• Display on Serial Port 3
• Display on Serial Port 5
• Display on either Port 2 or Port 6.
ARINC OUT1 can also be configured to output ARINC 735 A/B Intruder Traffic.
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22 Dec 2016
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