Technical manual LioN-Link BusHead EtherNet/IP™
Release 1.1 04/2016
The integrated web server
The Home page
The Configuration page (Config)
6.3.1 Scan bus
6.3.3 Save to Device
6.3.4 Load Config from File
6.3.5 Save Config to File
6.3.6 Settings
6.3.7 Address Table
6.3.8 LioN Link EtherNet/IP Offline Configurator
The Status page
The System page
6.5.1 General Information
6.5.2 Change IP-Configuration
6.5.3 Restart device
6.5.4 Reset configuration to factory defaults
6.5.5 Firmware update
The User page
The Contact page
Bit assignment
Input data – Assembly instance 101
Outputdaten - Assembly Instance 100
Diagnostics processing
Diagnostic settings on the BusHead
8.1.1 Diagnostic Acknowledge
8.1.2 Diagnostic Block Mode
Cyclic diagnostic data
8.2.1 Cyclic BusHead status bytes
8.2.2 Cyclic BusHead control bytes
8.2.3 Cyclic BusHead diagnostic blocks
Diagnostic Codes
Behavior in case of a diagnostic overflow
Diagnostic sequence in None Acknowledge Mode
Diagnostic sequence in Acknowledge Mode
Programming Acknowledge mode in the user program