Diagnostics processing
8.5 Diagnostic sequence in None
Acknowledge Mode
Technical manual LioN-Link BusHead EtherNet/IP™
Release 1.1 04/2016
The restriction applies for all diagnostic modules that the diagnostic blocks of
diagnoses which have become inactive are not available for new diagnostic
messages until all other reported diagnoses have become inactive. Any
diagnoses that have occurred in the meantime are displayed on web server
as module diagnoses, indicated via the LEDs, or can be read acyclically from
the BusHead using Class ID 0x64 / instance 1 / attribute 1.
Diagnostic sequence in None Acknowledge
A diagnosis is entered in the first free diagnostics block, Diagnostic Code
!= 0. The "Active" bit in byte 2/bit 7 of the diagnostic block and the
corresponding BusHead status are set to
The diagnosis no longer exists. If the diagnostic information has not yet
been sent for a least three I/O cycles, it remains unchanged.
For an inactive diagnosis, and possibly after three I/O cycles have
elapsed, the "Active" bit, the diagnostic code of the diagnosis, and the
corresponding bit in the BusHead status byte are set to
After another three I/O cycles, the diagnostic block is deleted and can be
reused for a new diagnosis. However, the diagnostic block is only
available for the next diagnosis when all other diagnoses are inactive.
Diagnostic sequence in Acknowledge Mode
In Acknowledge mode, the administrator has to set the matching control bit
on the BusHeads in case of diagnoses (to acknowledge the diagnosis). This
can alternatively be done via the web server. The following cases clarify the
function and workflow:
Case 1: Diagnosis inactive before user acknowledgement
A diagnosis is entered in the first free diagnostics block, Diagnostic Code
!= 0. The "Active" bit in byte 2 of the diagnostic block and the
corresponding BusHead status are set to
The diagnosis no longer exists. The "Active" bit 7 in byte 2 of the
diagnostic block is set to