Parameterization and Commissioning
FC5101 and FC5102
Version: 2.0
Fig. 25: FC510x - diagnostic variables
Is incremented at the end of each firmware cycle in order that this variable can indicate
whether the last cycle was completed before the task was started
: Shows the number of slaves whose Box State is not equal to zero. Only check the BoxState of the
slaves if this value is other than 0
: Shows the current cycle time in 4/25 µs. This variable is only updated when all slaves are
involved in the data exchange (and when error is 0)
: Shows whether the diagnostics information on the card has changed. This can be read off using
ADS-Read. For that purpose, specify the net ID of the FC510x, the port number 200 and the IndexGroup
0xF100. The IndexOffset and the length then relate to the diagnostic data. (Note: the Box States are also
directly available as variables.)
Offset 1-127: BusStatus List, 1-127 one byte each station address which contains the station status (see
BoxState for CANopen boxes)
Global State:
Various diagnostic and status displays for the FC510x. The byte in GlobalState(0) shows the
status of the card in relation to the TwinCAT system: RUN, RESET, OFFLINE and STOP are distinguished.
GlobalState(2) gives information about the status of the CAN controller: "CAN Warning Limit Reached" and
"Bus Off" are displayed. Warning limit reached means that the send/receive error counter on the CAN
controller has exceeded the value 96. BusOff means that the CAN controller can no longer participate in bus
communication; this is caused by an excessive number of CAN errors (Error Frames). In this case there is a
serious physical error in the CAN network. (e.g. too few or too many termination resistors, at least one device
with incorrect baud rate, short circuit, etc.) The "bus off" state can only be exited through a card reset. Details
about further global state data, see comments in "Online" tab.
: Shows the error code of the last ADS access error, e.g. if an attempt has been made to read
the diagnostic data for a deactivated node.
Counts the number of firmware cycles, which could not be completed before the
corresponding task tried to read or write the process image again. If this counter is incremented, the task
cycle time has been set too low for the actual network configuration.
Shows the current bus load in %. The
is an important design criterion for CAN
networks. The value shown is an average value over 100 ms.