BayStream 7.3 Documentation Change Notice
115385-D Rev 01
brackets ([ ])
Indicate optional elements in syntax descriptions. Do
not type the brackets when entering the command.
Example: If the command syntax is:
show ip interfaces [-alerts]
, you can enter either:
show ip interfaces
show ip interfaces -alerts
ellipsis points (. . . )
Indicate that you repeat the last element of the
command as needed.
Example: If the command syntax is:
ethernet/2/1 [<
parameter> <value>
] . . .
, you enter
and as many parameter-value pairs as
italic text
Indicates file and directory names, new terms, book
titles, and variables in command syntax descriptions.
Where a variable is two or more words, the words are
connected by an underscore.
Example: If the command syntax is:
show at <
is one variable and you substitute one value
for it.
screen text
Indicates system output, for example, prompts and
system messages.
Set Bay Networks Trap Monitor Filters
separator ( > )
Shows menu paths.
Example: Protocols > IP identifies the IP option on the
Protocols menu.
vertical line (
Separates choices for command keywords and
arguments. Enter only one of the choices. Do not type
the vertical line when entering the command.
Example: If the command syntax is:
show ip {alerts
, you enter either:
show ip alerts
show ip routes
, but not both.