Using the Model 5782 ATM Virtual Network Router
119557-A Rev. 00
Connect the RS-232 cable to the terminal (or PC in terminal emulation
mode) and to the chassis service port.
Starting the Technician Interface
After connecting a terminal or PC to the service port, initialize the router module
by connecting it to the CMB. If you have more than one Model 5782 VNR
installed in the chassis, you need only initialize one.
To connect the Model 5782 VNR to the CMB and start the Technician Interface:
Press [Enter].
The Model 5000 Slot Selection Menu appears (
Figure 3-1
). The Slot
Selection Menu shows the system date and time, lists the modules installed in
the chassis by slot number, and lists the available commands.
Figure 3-1.
Slot Selection Menu for the Model 5000BH Chassis
Model 5000 Slot Selection Menu 01/12/98, 11:47:30AM
Slot Status Module Description
1 On-Line 5308P Ethernet Host
2 On-Line 5782 Virtual Net Router
3 On-Line 5724M 4 Port MMF ATM MCP Host Module
4 On-Line 5782 Virtual Net Router
5 On-Line 5308P Ethernet Host
6 (Removed) 5782 Virtual Net Router
7 On-Line 5580 Token Ring Router
8 On-Line 5328 16 Port 10BT Enet Switch Module
9 On-Line 5328 16 Port 10BT Enet Switch Module
10 On-Line 5782 Virtual Net Router
11 On-Line 5724M 4 Port MMF ATM MCP Host Module
12 On-Line 5380 Ethernet Router
13 On-Line 5308P Ethernet Host
14 (Removed) 5580 Token Ring Router
c - Connect to slot [Press CTRL-T to break connection]
s - Select Supervisory Module main menu r - Reset module
Enter selection: