Bavarian RC Messerschmitt Me-410
© 2021 BAVARIAN RC. Plans and instructions provided free of charge. Copies allowed for personal use only. Not for commercial use.
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Version Beta 1.0
Make a test fit of the Lower deck side reinforcement on the inside of the lower deck (align
the markings of the cutout in the rear part with the marking on the Lower deck
Glue the Lower deck side reinforcement to the side of the lower deck.
Test fit the Front wall and Rear wall of the aft support together with Lower deck wing
support aft (the walls should be flush with the front and rear edge of the support).
If necessary remove some foam from the lower deck side walls to ensure the fit of the knock-
in nuts.
Glue the Front wall and Rear wall in place.
Glue the Lower deck wing support aft in place. Make sure the center line connecting the two
knock-in nuts and the marking on the Lower deck reinforcement are aligned. Also make sure
to have a really strong bond as your wing will be held mainly by this joint.
Test fit the Front wall of the fwd support and the Lower deck wing support front. Again the
front wall should be flush with the forward edge of the support.
Glue the Front wall in place.
Glue the Lower deck wing support front in place. Make sure the center line of the knock-in
nut is aligned with the marking on the Lower deck reinforcement. Also make sure that you
have the correct orientation. Again this should be a really strong bond.