Bavarian RC Messerschmitt Me-410
© 2021 BAVARIAN RC. Plans and instructions provided free of charge. Copies allowed for personal use only. Not for commercial use.
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Version Beta 1.0
Glue the small piece that you cut off the horizontal stabilizer in its place. Be careful not to get
any hot glue to the U-wire connecting the elevators. Also check that the elevator can be
freely moved up and down.
Trim the push rod sleeve.
Take a 1mm steel wire and make a z-bend on one side.
Connect the z-bend to the control horn and make a test fit.
Glue the control horn to the elevator (with the control rod connected to the control horn).
Again fix the elevator with popsicle sticks and clamps in a neutral position.
Test fit the servo between frame F2 and H1 and make a z-bend.
Insert the z-bend into the control horn of the servo (2
hole from the middle).
Glue the servo in place.
Glue Frame F1 to the fwd face of Frame F2.
Remove the paper from the backside of Fuselage skin 4.
Mold Fuselage skin 4 to get a round shape.
Glue together the edges of Fuselage skin 4 to get a cylindrical piece.
Slide Fuselage skin 4 onto the fuselage and make a test fit.
The skin should fit without a gap on the rear edge towards the tail skin and be flush with
Former F2. Former F1 should be free.
Glue the Fuselage skin 4 to the fuselage.