Bavarian RC Messerschmitt Me-410
© 2021 BAVARIAN RC. Plans and instructions provided free of charge. Copies allowed for personal use only. Not for commercial use.
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Version Beta 1.0
Align a long ruler with the fwd and aft center mark of the Fuselage tail skin.
Mark the center line at the position of the BBQ skewer which you just marked before.
Glue the BBQ skewer to the leading edge.
Apply glue to the paper and wrap it around the leading edge.
Take a BBQ skewer and punch a hole at the mark in the fuselage top. Hold the BBQ skewer at
about the same angle as the angle of the leading edge of the Vertical stabilizer.
Test fit the Vertical stabilizer.
Use the VSTAB gauge to check that the Vertical stabilizer is at a 90 degree angle towards the
Horizontal stabilizer.
Remove the Vertical stabilizer.