Bavarian RC Messerschmitt Me-410
© 2021 BAVARIAN RC. Plans and instructions provided free of charge. Copies allowed for personal use only. Not for commercial use.
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Version Beta 1.0
Route the ESC through the nacelle to the front.
Connect the motor to the ESC.
Check the correct direction of rotation and swap 2 of the 3 wires if the direction needs to be
Attach the ESC with double sided tape to the power pod (far back to help balance).
Insert the power pod into the nacelle and attach it with 2 BBQ skewers.
Do the same for the other side.
Remove the paper from the inside of Nacelle skin 4 LH (upper).
Mold the skin to fit to the Nacelle formers 6 and 7.
Test fit the Nacelle skin 4 LH (upper) and make sure that the lower edge fits to the shape of
the wing.
Hold the Nacelle skin in place and mark the edge of the skin on the wing with a pencil
Apply glue to the Nacelle formers 6 and 7 and to the Nacelle top former and on the inside of
the marking you made on the wing.
Attach the Nacelle skin 4 (align the center mark with the center mark on skin 3), secure it
with tape at the fwd edge and hold it in place on the rear and lower edge until the glue has
cooled down.