Bavarian RC Messerschmitt Me-410
© 2021 BAVARIAN RC. Plans and instructions provided free of charge. Copies allowed for personal use only. Not for commercial use.
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Version Beta 1.0
Make a test fold of the two upper halves of the wing. Make sure that they match in the
middle at the center line.
Then put glue (between the arrows) in the score cuts but only up to the arrow (wipe off
excess glue), the double bevel at the leading edge and on the spars. Don’t put glue on the
trailing edge doublers yet.
Fold the upper wing half over (put the trailing edge over the edge of the table). Align the
inner edge with the center line of the wing. Hold everything in place until the glue has fully
cooled down.
Then bend the wing open at the trailing edge and put hot glue on the trailing edge doublers.
Press the wing flat on the table (trailing edge over the edge of the table) until the glue has
fully cooled down.
Repeat the complete process for the other wing half (do a test fit before!). Don’t put glue on
the seam towards the center section yet.
Once that is done, you can put some hot glue into the seam at the center line of the wing
and remove the excess with a scrap piece of foam.
Apply some clear packing tape on the seam at the center line of the wing (on the upper side
and on the underside of the wing.
Trim off the tape at the cut-outs.
Note: The picture shows a prototype wing. The round cut-out was later replaced by a rectangular cut-out to house the