UMAX140610. LIN
– J1939 CAN Protocol Converter with PWM Output. Version 1
Page: 40-81
3.5.2 Table Selection
In order to determine if a particular table will be selected, logical operations are performed on
the results of the conditions as determined by the logic in Section 3.5. There are several logical
combinations that can be selected, as listed in the table below.
Table 23. Condition Logical Operator Options
Value Meaning
Default Table
Cnd1 And Cnd2 And Cnd3
Cnd1 Or Cnd2 Or Cnd3
(Cnd1 And Cnd2) Or Cnd3
(Cnd1 Or Cnd2) And Cnd3
Not every evaluation is going to need all three conditions. The case given in the earlier section,
for example, only has one condition listed, i.e. that the Engine RPM be below a certain value.
Therefore, it is important to understand how the logical operators would evaluate an Error or
N/A result for a condition.