UMAX140610. LIN
– J1939 CAN Protocol Converter with PWM Output. Version 1
Page: 52-81
Transmit on LIN Unconditional Frame Number
is used to force transmission of the CAN
output message on successful reception or transmission of the selected LIN unconditional
frame. When
Transmit on LIN Unconditional Frame Number
is equal to 0, the frame is
undefined, and this function is not used.
Configuration parameters:
1…5 Data Index in Array (LSB)
Signal 1…5 Bit Index in
Byte (LSB),
together with the
Signal 1…5 Data Size
have the same meaning as in the
function block. The user should be careful not to overlap the output signals.
The following rules apply when converting the function block signal output data to the CAN
output signal code:
Undefined signals are presented in the signal code with all bits set to 1.
Discrete signals are directly assigned to the signal code without any conversion.
Continuous signals are converted to the signal code based on the
Signal 1…5 Data
Signal 1…5 Data Offset
configuration parameters and then saturated to the
continuous signal code range defined in the J1939 standard.