Troubleshooting the System
© 1999, AXCESS
Revised June 1999
Check the ATU
Step 1:
Ensure that the ATU is displaying voltage – either by LEDs
or on the voltage meter. If the voltage is inadequate,
retune the ATU. See the chapter
Maximizing Antenna
Performance with the ATU
, page 73
Step 2:
If you have a Toggle Switch ATU, ensure that the 10-wire
header is properly seated. See the section
Performance with a Toggle Switch ATU
, page 74.Check
the Transmission Field
Step 1:
Check the range specifications for the transmitting
antenna listed in the
B: Specifications
page 103.
Step 2:
Test the range of the transmitting antenna with the LED
Test Tag.
Step 3:
If The LED Test Tag does not light, check the power, the
cables and the transmitting antenna. There is also the
possibility that the LED Test Tag is not working. Hook the
Reader to a PC and use another Tag in the field. See the
Configuring 3.x Reader Firmware
, page 35.
Step 4:
If the range is smaller than desired, then the signal needs
to be adjusted. Be aware however that various
environmental conditions can impact antenna
performance. See the section
Maximizing Antenna
Performance with the ATU
, page 73.
Step 5:
If the range is larger than desired, then the signal needs to
be adjusted. See the section
Modifying Antenna Range:
Adjusting the Transmitter Card
, page 77.
Step 6:
Open the Reader case and listen for the repetitive chirping
emanating from the transmitter board in the Reader. If the
chirp is not heard, retune the transmitter card in the
Reader. See the section
Modifying Antenna Range:
Adjusting the Transmitter Card
, page 77.
Step 7:
If none of the suggested solutions work, fill out the
Customer Support Questionnaire (page 107) and call
Customer Support at 1-800-577-6080.