Road Loop Antenna Installation
© 1999, AXCESS
Revised June 1999
Step 5:
Cut a groove that is at least a ¼” wide with the concrete
saw. Set the cutting depth to a minimum of 1 ½” deep.
Do not let the corners intersect when
sawing. You could cut out a chunk of pavement!
When sawing the corner cuts, cut approximately 1” to 1½”
past the loop sides. This will maintain the saw cut depth at
the 45-degree turn.
Step 6:
Use vacuum or compressed air to thoroughly clean out the
Step 7:
Insert the loop and lead-in into the cut grooves.
Do not
use a metal object to push the antenna loop into the saw
cut. A tongue depressor or pencil eraser works well.
Step 8:
Test the system.
Step 9:
Dress and/or tie-wrap all cables and seal all exterior BNC
connections with rubber silicone sealant.
Step 10:
Seal the cut with an antenna loop sealant, for example,
Bondo Flexible Embedding Sealer (P-606), 3M Detector
Loop Sealant or Q-Seal sealant. It takes about a gallon of
“Bondo” to seal the cuts from a 16-foot antenna.