Tag Mounting
Revised June 1999
© 1999 AXCESS
Mounting a Vehicle Tag
Step 1:
Apply mounting tape/Velcro on the back of the Tag (Figure
35). Push the mounting tape/Velcro securely on the back
of the Tag.
Figure 35 Back of a Tag
To receive maximum range from the
antenna, the Tag must be mounted with the back of the
Tag facing the glass at least 3 inches off the dashboard.
Step 2:
If using Velcro, apply one side of the Velcro mount to the
location where the LED Tag was successfully tested. Then
mount the Tag with the other piece of Velcro onto the
Velcro on the windshield.
Figure 36 Velcro applied to window
Step 3:
If using double-sided tape, peal the cover off the double-
sided tape attached to the Tag. Firmly apply the Tag to the
windshield location you found earlier and press the Tag to
the windshield ensuring solid contact.