Antenna Tuning Unit (ATU) Installation
© 1999, AXCESS
Revised June 1999
Connecting the ATU to the Reader
Step 1:
Measure the length between the ATU and the Reader for
the connecting cable run. The cable length should not
exceed 80 feet.
Step 2:
Cut two lengths of coaxial cable. Each length should equal
the measured cable distance from the ATU to the Reader.
Ensure that you give yourself some slack in the cable
Step 3:
Attach a male BNC connector to each end of each cable.
Step 4:
Run one cable from the Reader’s connector labeled
the connector labeled
Reader TX
on the ATU.
Step 5:
Run the other cable from the Reader’s connector labeled
to the connector labeled
Reader RX
on the ATU.
Connecting the ATU to the Antennas
See the following sections for each antenna type:
To connect the ATU to a Bar Antenna –
Installing the Bar Antenna,
page 70.
To connect the ATU to a Road Loop Antenna –
Road Loop Layout &
Connecting to the ATU,
page 61
To connect the ATU to a Dipole Antenna -
Installing the Dipole
page 56
To connect the ATU to a Swing Frame Antenna -
Installing the Swing
Frame Antenna
, page 71
Note: Do not dress (tie-wrap) the cables until the installation is
complete and tested. Once the system is operating properly, finish
the cabling.