Configuring 3.x Reader Firmware
© 1999, AXCESS
Revised June 1999
Entering a Command
Step 1:
In HyperTerminal’s main window, press the Spacebar until
the Reader responds with “Enter:” on the terminal screen.
The Reader will now wait for input.
Note: When the Reader is waiting for input, it is paying
attention only to the serial cable and is not receiving
information from the antennas.
Step 2:
Type one of the above commands at the “Enter:” prompt.
For example,
Enter: &
Places the Reader into diagnostics mode.
Do not press the Enter key after you have
typed the command; it is not necessary.
If the Reader receives no input after a few seconds, it
displays the message, “Timed out.” If you are
communicating with an FTT Reader, the Reader displays
the firmware version, jumper settings and Reader ID.
All outputs from the Reader are preceded by an indent to
indicate that the string is not a Tag ID.