Road Loop Antenna Installation
Revised June 1999
© 1999 AXCESS
rectangular shape to the antenna when laying down the
Step 5:
Feed one end of the Road Loop wire to the ATU.
length of lead-in wire (the Road
Loop wire from the Road Loop to the ATU) must not
exceed 20 feet.
Do Not Twist
the wire as you run it from
the Road Loop to the ATU.
Step 6:
Insert the end of the Road Loop wire at the ATU into one
side of a binding post-to-BNC connector (Figure 24).
Tighten the binding post terminal to secure the lead.
Road Loop Lead-in
Dual binding post-to-
Male BNC Connector
Do not attach yet
Figure 24 Attaching Road Loop wire to the post-to-BNC
Step 7:
Connect the BNC-end of the Road Loop wire to the
Antenna TX
connector on the ATU.
Step 8:
Carefully feed Road Loop wire on toward the loop marked
on the roadway. Secure the wire with duct tape as you
Step 9:
At the loop feed point, begin to lay wire around the loop
(using the concrete nails to maintain the corners). Again,
secure the loop to the surface with duct tape.
Step 10:
When back to the feed point, continue around the loop a
second time if the Road Loop is shorter than 36 feet (do
not allow the two wires to twist) and return to the feed
For a Road Loop wider than 36-feet, use
only a single loop of wire.
Step 11:
After one or two complete loops (see note above),
continue to lead the wire back to the ATU or junction point.
Do not allow the wires to twist.
Step 12:
Carefully review the installation to this point. If everything
is correct, cut away the excess wire, trim and attach the
other end of the Road Loop wire to the other half of the
binding-post-to-BNC connector (Figure 25).