equipment det
equipment det
Use the rotary switch to switch off heater
(position f). The green LED (b) goes off.
If the green LED (b) blinks after switching off,
then the unit’s after-running is active in order
to reduce the unit’s temperature. This will end
after a few minutes and the green LED (b) will
go off.
Always drain water contents if there is a
risk of frost!
If the appliance is not to be used for a
prolonged period, close the quick-acting valve in
the gas supply line and turn off the gas cylinder.
The red LED (h) will be lit if there is a failure.
Please consult the Trouble-Shooting list for
possible causes.
Reset (failure reset) the unit by switching it off
and back on.
If the window switch is opened, the heating
unit will stop operating and the red LED (h) will
blink. Once the window switch is closed, the
heating unit will continue operation and the
green LED (b) will be lit continuously.
filling the water heater
Check if the rotary switch for the drain valve
(FrostControl) is set to ‘Operation’, meaning
that it is parallel to the water connection
and engaged.
When the temperature at FrostControl is below
about 7° C, first switch on the heater to warm
the installation compartment and FrostControl.
After several minutes, when the temperature
at FrostControl is above 7° C, the drain valve
can be closed.
Close the drain valve by pushing the push
button until it engages. Switch on power for
water pump (main switch or pump switch).
Open hot water taps in kitchen and bathroom,
(set preselecting mixing taps or single-lever
fittings to ‘hot’). Leave the fittings open for as
long as it takes for the boiler to displace
the air and fill up, and the water to flow
without interruption.
If just the cold water system is being operated,
without using the water heater, the heater
tank also fills up with water. To avoid frost
damage, the boiler must be drained through
the drain valve, even if it was not operated.
As an alternative, two shutoff valves, resistant
to hot water, can be fitted in front of the cold
and hot water connection.
When connecting to a central water supply
(rural or city mains), a pressure reduction
valve must always be installed to prevent
pressures above 2.8 bar from developing in
the water heater.
Switch off power to water pump (main or
pump switch).
Open hot water taps in kitchen and bathroom.
Turn the rotary switch on the drain valve
(FrostControl) by 180° until it engages,
whereby the push button moves out and the
drain valve opens.
The boiler is now drained directly to the
outside via the drain valve. Place a bucket
beneath the outlet to check whether the
water content has completely drained away
(10 litres). There shall be no claims under
guarantee for damage caused by frost!
Only original Truma parts may be used for
maintenance and repair work!
The water container used is made of stainless
steel, which is foodstuff-compatible.
Use wine vinegar for descaling the water heater,
this being introduced into the appliance via the
water supply. Allow the product to react and
then thoroughly flush out the appliance with
plenty of fresh water. For sterilization purposes
we recommend ‘Certisil-Argento’; other
products (especially those containing chlorine)
are unsuitable and may damage the unit.
To avoid microorganisms colonizing the water
in the boiler, heat the water to 70° C at regular
intervals (at least once per year).
Move the rotary switch on the control panel
to position (c – summer operation) 60° C. The
Automatic opening of the drain valve
When the temperature is below approximately
3° C at the drain valve, the drain valve will
open automatically, the push button moves out
(position n) and the water in the boiler drains
out through the drainage muff (o).
Manual opening of the drain valve
Turn the rotary switch by 180° until it engages,
whereby the push button moves out (position
n). The water in the boiler drains out through
the drainage muff (o).
The FrostControl drainage muff (o) must be
free of contamination (slush, ice, leaves, etc.)
at all times so the water can drain out easily!
No warranty given for frost damage!
Heating operation is basically possible without
restriction with or without water content.
Check to make sure the cowl is unobstructed.
Be sure to remove any covers that may
be present.
Turn on gas cylinder and open quick-acting
valve in the gas supply line.
Move the rotary switch on the control panel to
position (c – summer operation) 40° C or 60°
C. The green (b) and yellow (g) LEDs light up.
After reaching the set water temperature (40°
C or 60° C), the burner will switch off and the
yellow LED (g) will be extinguished.
Heating with water temperature monitoring
Set the rotary switch to the operational setting
‘e’. Set the rotary switch (a) to the desired
thermostat setting (1 – 5). The green LED (b)
for operation is lit and simultaneously indicates
the position of the selected room temperature.
The yellow LED (g) indicates the water’s heat-
up phase.
The unit automatically selects the required power
level according to the temperature difference
between the setting on the control panel and
the current room temperature. Once the room
temperature set on the control panel has been
reached, the burner switches back to the lowest
stage, and heats the water content to 60° C.
The yellow LED (g) will be extinguished after the
water temperature is reached.
Heating without water
temperature monitoring
Set the rotary switch to the operational setting
‘d’. Turn the rotary switch (a) to the desired
thermostat setting (1 – 5). The green LED (b)
for operation is lit and simultaneously indicates
the position of the selected room temperature.
The yellow LED (g – water’s heat-up phase)
will be lit only when the water temperature is
below 5° C!
The unit automatically selects the required
power level according to the temperature
difference between the setting on the control
panel and the current room temperature.
After reaching the room temperature set on
the control panel, the burner will switch off.
The warm-air fan will continue to run at a low
speed as long as the blow-out temperature (on
the unit) is higher than 40° C.
If the boiler is filled, the water will
automatically be heated at the same time.
The water temperature is then dependent
on the heating output being given off, and
the duration of heating required to reach the
desired room temperature.
Heating with drained water system
Set the rotary switch to the operational setting
‘d’. Turn the rotary switch (a) to the desired
thermostat setting (1 – 5). The green LED (b)
for operation is lit and simultaneously indicates
the position of the selected room temperature.
The yellow LED (g) will be lit only when the
temperature of the unit is below 5° C!
The unit automatically selects the required
power level according to the temperature
difference between the setting on the control
panel and the current room temperature. After
reaching the room temperature set on the
control panel, the burner will switch off.