value of a byte, you MUST either convert it to a printable ASCII characters or the hex
For example, the decimal byte stream “103 111 111 100 32 100 111 103” is equivalent to the hex byte
stream “67 6F 6F 64 20 64 6F 67”. It is also equivalent to the ASCII string “
good dog
”. However, to
send the string to the serial port, you must use a combination of printable ASCII characters and hex
values only. Therefore, you may send the string as “
” or “
”, but
not “
” (where “32” is a decimal value). (You do not need to use quotes in the Send String
text box.)
For your convenience, if you forget URL-encoding rules 2 and 3 above, you may add hex or decimal
values using the hex and decimal fields just below the Send String text box. Adding a hex number to
your Send String with the Add tool simply places the “%” prefix in front of the value you enter, with no
conversions. Adding a decimal number first converts the decimal number to the hex equivalent and
correctly places the “%” prefix in front of it within the send string.
If the Send History log has been started, the send string should appear in that display once the “Send”
button is pressed.
Relay Diagnostics
Relay Diagnostics
Relay Diagnostics
Relay Diagnostics
Relay ports are available on the WACI NX+ only. You may test the relays by clicking the “On” radio
button for the port you wish to test. The LED for the desired relay port should light, indicating the
activation of that port.