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27 - Starter, Current supply
1 - Battery
1.1 - Battery
The battery is one of the most important electrical components in the vehicle. Its proper functioning is a major
factor in ensuring customer satisfaction. To guarantee a long service life, the battery must be checked, serviced
and maintained as described in this manual.
In addition to its starting function, the battery acts as back-up and supplies power for the entire electrical system.
Hazard warning information and safety regulations relating to lead-acid batteries
- -> Pay attention to information given on battery, in electrical system workshop manual and in owner's
2 - Danger of acid burns:
Electrolyte is highly corrosive; protective gloves and eye protection are therefore always to be worn.
Never tilt battery, as electrolyte may escape from vents.
3 - Fire, sparks, naked flames and smoking prohibited:
Take care to avoid sparks when handling cables and electrical equipment.
Take care to avoid short circuits.
4 - Wear eye protection.
5 - Keep electrolyte and batteries out of children's reach.
6 - Disposal:
Old batteries are to be taken to disposal site.
7 - Old batteries are never to be disposed of with domestic refuse.
8 - Danger of explosion:
Battery charging produces a highly explosive gas mixture.
1.2 - Notes on battery handling
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
1.1 - Battery