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- -> Unfasten nut -3- several turns and disconnect pole shoe of earth wire from battery post.
- Unscrew nut -1- and detach busbar for main fuse box at pole shoe of positive wire.
- Unfasten nut -2- several turns and disconnect pole shoe of positive wire from battery post.
- -> Release retainer for main fuse box. To do so, press down front edge of retainer -arrow 1- and at the same
time detach retainer from battery in direction of travel -arrow 2-.
- Fold back main fuse box and lift off protective cover for battery.
- -> Screw out hexagon bolt -1- at battery bracket -2-.
- Pull battery out of fastening strip of battery bracket.
- Lift battery out of engine compartment.
- Install battery => Page
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
1.3 - Removing battery - Audi A3 up to Model Year 2000