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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
1 - Wiring between coolant temperature sender and dash panel insert (temperature gauge)
2 - Earth
1.11 - Radio clock
Aerial symbol at top left of clock display indicates that vehicle is fitted with radio clock.
Radio clock is integrated into dash panel insert and is not available as a separate replacement part.
- If radio clock is defective, dash panel insert must be replaced
2 - Dash panel insert - as of Model Year 2000
2.1 - Dash panel insert - as of Model Year 2000
◆ Disconnect battery earth strap before working on electrical system.
◆ On vehicles fitted with telematics system, activate telematics control-unit service mode before disconnecting
battery.=>Radio, Telephone, Navigation; Repair Group 91
- Heed (if necessary obtain) code for vehicles with encoded radio/radio navigation system (RNS).
- Disconnect battery earth strap with ignition switched off.
Action to be taken after re-connecting power supply => Page
2.2 - "dEF" display on trip recorder
If control unit in dash panel insert detects a ROM fault, "dEF" is displayed on trip recorder.
- If "dEF" appears, replace dash panel insert => Page
2.3 - Removing and installing dash panel insert
◆ Dash panel insert is not to be dismantled.
◆ Removal of dash panel insert does not involve taking out steering wheel.
◆ All cable ties unfastened or cut open on removal are to be re-attached in same position on installation.
- Determine input values for dash panel insert replacement:
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
90 - Gauges, Instruments