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- Fit wiper motor with wiper frame in vehicle (5 Nm). To do so, slide wiper frame towards windscreen as far
as it will go.
- Actuate flick wipe function.
- Allow wiper motor to run into park position.
- -> Align crank -1- in parallel with wiper frame and tighten nut -2- to 18 Nm.
- Dimension x on left = Dimension x on right
Wiper frame has been removed in Fig.
- Set park position of wiper blades => Page
Tightening torque
Wiper frame to plenum chamber
1.3 - Adjusting park position of wiper blades
- Allow wiper motor to run into park position.
- -> Check whether wiper blades rest on marks -1- on windscreen in stated position.
- Check whether distance between ends of wiper blades and water deflector at bottom edge of windscreen
is as follows:
Type of vehicle
Dimension a
Dimension b
15 ... 25
17 ... 27
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
1.2 - Removing and installing windscreen wiper system