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The fine-mesh flame trap consists of a small round fibre-glass mat with a diameter of approx. 15 mm and a
thickness of 2 mm. It operates in a manner similar to a valve, i.e. it allows the gas produced by battery
gassing to escape.
◆ Battery posts are no longer to be greased.
◆ Battery terminals are only to be connected by hand so as not to damage the battery casing.
Notes on operation of central gas venting system:
◆ On batteries with central gas venting hose/pipe, make sure that hose does not become disconnected as
otherwise the battery will not be properly vented.
◆ -> On batteries with no central gas venting hose/pipe, it is important to ensure that opening in top cover -
arrow- is not clogged.
Checking firm attachment of battery
Possible dangers if battery is not firmly in position:
- Shorter service life due to vibration damage
- Damage to battery plates if battery not properly attached
- Damage to battery casing caused by bracket (possible electrolyte leakage, high subsequent costs)
- Reduced crash safety
- To ensure that battery does not leak, only fit genuine battery caps.
- In the event of loss or damage, make exclusive use of genuine caps of the same type.
- The caps must be provided with an O-ring.
1.7 - Battery with magic eye
-> Distinguishing features
◆ Such batteries have a magic eye.
◆ This magic eye -arrow- provides information on the electrolyte level and charge of the battery to be tested.
◆ There are three different colour indicators:
- Green ⇒Battery adequately charged
- Black ⇒ Not or inadequately charged
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
1.6 - Installing battery