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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
32 - Not used
Red 20-pin connector
1 - -> Consumption signal
2 - Not used
3 - Not used
4 - Not used
5 - Ambient temperature
6 - Selector lever position display
7 - Not used
8 - Not used
9 - Washer fluid
10 - Hydraulic pressure
11 - On-board computer/reset
12 - Clock signal for radio frequency display
13 - Data signal for radio frequency display
14 - On-board computer/left
15 - Enable signal for radio frequency display
16 - Reversing light/dipped beam (lamp check)
17 - Glow plug relay (with diesel engine only, undervoltage monitoring in dash panel insert is suppressed
during glow period)
18 - On-board computer/right
19 - Brake light
20 - Not used
1.8 - Assignment of contacts at multi-pin connectors at dash panel insert - as of Model Year
Blue 32-pin connector
1 - -> Terminal 15
2 - Right turn signal indicator
3 - Speedometer output 1
4 - Not used
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
90 - Gauges, Instruments