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1.10 - No-load voltage measurement
Special tools and workshop equipment required
◆ V.A.G 1526 A
The battery caps must always be firmly screwed on for charging, voltage measurement and load measurement.
Always heed the following notes as otherwise correct measurement is not guaranteed.
◆ Always disconnect earth strap if no-load voltage is measured with battery in vehicle.
◆ Loads must not have been connected to battery for at least 2 hours prior to measurement.
◆ Battery must not have been charged for at least 2 hours prior to measurement.
Sequence of operations
On vehicles fitted with telematics system, activate telematics control-unit service mode before disconnecting
battery.=>Radio, Telephone, Navigation; Repair Group 91
- Heed (if necessary obtain) code for vehicles with encoded radio/radio navigation system (RNS).
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
1.10 - No-load voltage measurement