MDU Solutions
– DVIS/DVISm - Digital Video Insertion System & Mini Digital Video Insertion System - Installation & Operation Manual
5.2 Configuration Pages
5.2.1 Summary of Page Functionality
A brief outline and description of the GUI main configuration tabs follows:
GUI Configuration Tabs
Tab Name
Page Properties
Displays the HD/SD MPEG-2/H.264 Encoder configurable settings and the Ports View which
is the complete list of installed modules and their stored configuration.
Displays the configurable settings affecting the output multiplex for RF or Ethernet, activation
of the Ethernet output card and settings affecting legacy STB.
Displays the configurable settings affecting the QAM output type and frequency and RF
output level.
Displays configurable settings affecting the Gigabit Ethernet card IP output type, IP source
and destination addressing including VLAN and FEC. Only active with GbE card installed
Displays configurable settings for the GUI Ethernet network, cooling status and facilitates
exporting configurations for backup and mass deployment.
Displays configurable settings affecting the demod input frequency and all add/drop
configuration and MPEG stream analyzer controls. Only active with demod card installed.
“DVIS Update”
Facilitates importing of firmware updates as well as import of a previously exported
configuration file.
Used for troubleshooting by ATX Networks support engineers.
Figure 5-2:
Description of DVIS Device Configuration Tabs
5.3 Minimum Computer Requirements
The computer used to access the configuration settings is referred to as the
Management Computer
. It is recommended that
the Management Computer meet the minimum requirements listed below.
NOTE: The extensive use of Java script in the DVIS interface may cause web browsers other
than Internet Explorer
to incorrectly or incompletely display web pages.
5.3.1 Recommended Computer
Computer with installed OS.
Ethernet Network port available.
Internet Web browser.
PDF Reader for reading this manual.
5.4 Connecting to the GUI
Configuration of the DVIS Device requires a laptop or desktop PC running an OS with an available Ethernet network port (the
Management Computer). If connecting directly to the unit, the Management Computer must be set to operate on the same
subnet as the DVIS Device for access to the GUI.
The following procedures are for a default IP address setting on the DVIS Device of