MDU Solutions
– DVIS/DVISm - Digital Video Insertion System & Mini Digital Video Insertion System - Installation & Operation Manual
14.8 Restore a Configuration Export
If you saved an exported file or are performing a mass deployment of a number of DVIS with identical configurations and
installed firmware, you can restore the saved configuration from the exported file. The file is in tgz format and would have been
if you accepted the name that the DVIS suggested when exported.
NOTE: Only install exported configuration files on DVIS units with identical firmware version as
the unit from which the configuration file originated.
Restore an exported file in the same manner as a firmware upgrade from the ‘DVIS Update’ tab. See Figure 13-12.
1. Select the ‘DVIS Update’ tab. The ‘Update DVIS Version’ page will appear.
2. Click
, navigate to the folder on your computer where you saved the
file (or whatever name you
may have given it) and click
. The file name and location appear in the selection box.
3. Click
to begin uploading the file to the DVIS. A progress bar indicates the percentage file upload completion
(0 to 100%).
4. When file upload is complete the DVIS will present the ‘Upload Done’ page, as shown in Figure 13-13.
5. When the upload has finished, file installation
begins automatically.
6. Close the browser.
7. When file installation has completed (which can
take about 1 minute), the unit reboots (indicated
when the fans shut off for a few seconds and
then restart).
8. Wait 2 minutes after the fan restarts for the
reboot to complete.
9. Open Internet Explorer and enter one of the following in the browser URL field as appropriate:
a) Enter
if the exported IP address was set to the default IP address setting.
Figure 13-12:
Restore an Exported Configuration
Figure 13-13:
Upload Done