MDU Solutions
– DVIS/DVISm - Digital Video Insertion System & Mini Digital Video Insertion System - Installation & Operation Manual
6.2 SD Encoder Cards
There are three types of SD encoder available, briefly described below. The selection of encoder card is principally based on
functionality required. The type of hardware encoder that is plugged in will automatically be detected and reported in the GUI.
The options presented to be configured will be adjusted to only those available to the specific installed encoder.
6.2.1 NXP
Available as single and dual channel encoder card.
This is the legacy SD MPEG-2 encoder model for both ETSI (European standard) and ATSC (North American
standard). It is no longer available for purchase but may be encountered in existing installations. This encoder
supported fewer video resolutions and audio bit rates than the current VWEB encoder. It also did not support
Closed Captioning.
6.2.2 DV1CE & DV2CE
Available as single and dual channel encoder card.
This is the currently shipping ATSC SD MPEG-2 encoder with support for a wide array of video resolutions and
AC-3 audio bit rates. There is support for ATSC closed captioning which may be turned on or off as required.
6.2.3 DV1CEM & DV2CEM
Available as single and dual channel encoder card.
This is the currently shipped ETSI SD MPEG-2 encoder with support for a wide array of video resolutions and
MPEG-1 audio bit rates. Support for ETSI closed captioning is not yet implemented so changing this setting has not
6.3 HD Encoder Card
Available as a single channel HD (or SD) encoder.
The type of hardware encoder that is plugged in will automatically be detected and reported in the GUI. The options
presented to be configured will be adjusted to only those available to the specific installed encoder.
6.3.1 DV1HDA
Available as single channel encoder card only.
This single program HD/SD encoder supports both MPEG-2 or H.264 encoding. The following table outlines the
multiplexing capabilities for HD encoded programs per QAM channel or IP multiplex.
FYI: It is important to note that the Video Resolution of this card must be set to match the input
Maximum Programs Encoded per Platform
QAM Output
IP Output
5 HD Programs
4 HD Programs
2 HD Programs
1 HD Program
FYI: The ability to output 5 HD programs per QAM depends on encoding format and bit rate.
They may be limited to just 2 HD programs per QAM with a high encoder bit rate setting.
6.4 Input & Output Cards
There are other cards available that may be used for some specialty applications. The cards are briefly described below
6.4.1 DVDMQMB & DVDMQMAC QAM Demodulator
This card must be used if an add/drop configuration is required. May be installed in any card slot except #1.
6.4.2 DVGIGE Gigabit Ethernet Output
This card is used in applications where Ethernet output of the DVIS Device is required and is supported only in specific slots.
The recommended slot to use is always the highest available which will usually be slot #2 in the DVISm model and slot #5 in
the DVIS model.