[ INST ] DFM, PFM, SC, Mute, XtraD.Tap parameters
With firmware version 1.20, the value ranges of certain Main, Sub, and Xtra layer parameters were expanded to include
negative values.
With version 2.00, the PSC (pressure scale control) parameter for the Main, Sub and Xtra layers was simply renamed to SC
(scale control). The range of SC settings were also expanded, from OFF through the various scale types (MTriad - Chrmtic).
The table below indicates the parameters that were changed and their new value ranges.
Parameter name
Main[Sub, Xtra] DFM
-100 -- 0 -- +100
Main[Sub, Xtra] PFM
-100 -- 0 -- +100
Main[Sub, Xtra] SC
OFF, MTriad -- Chrmtic
Main[Sub, Xtra] Mute
nnn: value of Mute Sens
-3000 -- 0 -- 8
Mute Functions
Main[Sub, Xtra] Mute: when set to OFF, mute is disabled.
Main[Sub, Xtra] Mute: when set to ON(**), the value of ** reflects the value of Mute Sens, a general ‘Pressure Parameter’
controlling mute sensitivity (see p.69-70). In this case, the general mute sensitivity setting (Mute Sens) controls the mute
sensitivity for the timbre layer. When Mute Sens is adjusted to a higher value, the mute sensitivity for the layer also
increases, which enables easier muting (as with previous firmware versions).
Main[Sub, Xtra] Mute: When the value of either Main Mute, Sub Mute or Xtra Mute is adjusted in the positive range
+1 to +100, the mute sensitivity value is set for the selected timbre layer. In this way it is possible to adjust the mute
sensitivity of each timbre independently.
Consistent with the functionality of the general ‘Pressure Parameter’ Mute Sens, when you independently adjust the
mute sensitivity of a selected timbre layer, a higher value will make it easier to mute the sound (less pressure will be
required to engage mute).
Main[Sub, Xtra] Mute: When a positive value has been entered, the fine adjustment of mute behavior depends on the
general Pressure Parameters Mute Dcay and Mute Mask (see table on p.71).
If Mute Dcay(this is common parameter for theree timbre) was raising to higher, Main[Sub,Etra]Dcay were not effect
when the value was small.
The parameter Mute Mask is used to control the time from the instant you apply pressure to the striking surface, to the
start of the mute process. This is effectively a way to offset the start of the mute, so it does not begin at the same instant
you apply pressure to the surface.
Instrument and effect parameters