Referring to the diagrams on p.13, you can see that with Envelope Generator 2, the parameter XtraHold in combination
with the additional parameters XtraD.Atck and XtraD.Dcay, give full envelope control over each tap sound in the tap
sequence. In this case, the parameter XtraDcay shapes the envelope at the end of the tap sequence. Depending on the
setting for XtraDcay, you will continue to hear taps decreasing in volume over the time period set for XtraDcay.
The parameter XtraD.Fluct adds fluctuations that affect the rhythmic pattern and overall amplitude (volume level) of taps
in the sequence. As you increase the value of XtraD.Fluct the audible results start to sound more random, with breaks in
the tap pattern.
Sound Design Tip:
Envelope Generator 2 can be used to create to some very interesting effects, including long drone-like sounds and
interesting tap sequences with fluctuations. It is possible to create almost endless sequences because the number of taps
can be adjusted to a maximum value of 3000! To create some interesting analog sequencer style sounds, try different
settings of Envelope Generator 2 with higher tap values (e.g. -20) in combination with different pressure scale control
settings (see p.19).
Instrument and effect parameters