ASTi Synapse Voisus Server Manual (Ver. 1, Rev. F1)
Copyright © 2012 Advanced Simulation Technology inc.
B. USB/Headset Troubleshooting
1. If you experience any audio problems the first step is to check your audio device settings.
For complete details see section
5.2. Choosing an Audio Device on the Client
in this
a. Ensure that the proper audio device is selected for both sound playback and sound
b. Ensure that the Microphone > Advanced audio setting is set to 48 kHz.
2. If the headset was unplugged from the USB port:
a. Close the client and VBS2. Then plug the headset back in.
Note: It is good practice to plug the headset back into the same plug or you may have
to reset the audio devices.
b. Reopen the client and VBS2.
c. If issues persist, check audio settings as described in section
5.2. Choosing an
Audio Device on the Client
in this document.
C. Keybindings Troubleshooting
1. If you experience the following symptoms, the ASTi keybindings are not set correctly.
a. The microphone icon or chat symbol shows up during the VBS2 game.
b. The user hears echoing voices.
2. Refer to
Step 4: Disable VBS2 Keybindings
in this appendix to reset the keybindings for
all VBS2 user profiles that use Voisus.
D. Roles
If there are no operators listed in the Voisus “Available Roles” list continue below.
1. All operators are in use.
a. If trying to connect your client to an operator on the server, and every operator says
“Connected” then the user can not connect unless another operator disconnects.
2. All operators are “Locked.”
a. If your client is unable to select an operator position in the “Operator Settings” win-
dow, check to see if there is a lock symbol in the left column. If a lock is present, then
that operator position has been locked down to a certain IP address in the Project Con-
figuration in ACE-Studio. See Step 5: Set Up the Radios in section 4.1. of this docu-
ment for more information.