ASTi Synapse Voisus Server Manual (Ver. 1, Rev. F1)
Copyright © 2012 Advanced Simulation Technology inc.
7.2. Headset Settings
Embedded functionality allows operators to set radio settings such as volume, sidetone and vox
levels. There are headset presets for the Plantronics USB headset and a preset for the ASTi
Radius. Select the preset for your headset and select “Set Values” then adjust the settings as neces-
sary. Adjust the Earphone, Mic, Vox, and Sidetone settings to a comfortable level using the micro-
phone test.
Vox mode allows for automatic transmission of voice without having to push a PTT button. The
Vox is voice activated and is dependent upon the threshold level. The higher the vox level, the
louder the voice must be to transmit, i.e. output is active only when the voice level exceeds the
threshold. The lower the vox level, the voice is easily transmitted, i.e. output is active at a lower
Sidetone volume sets the level for hearing your own voice feedback during net transmissions.
Note: In order to hear sidetone, a radio must be enabled, and your headset device must support
sidetone (see supported USB Adapters and Headsets).
Figure 8: Headset Settings