TD 93021US
17 July 2017 / Ver. PF3
Installation Guide
5.7.2 Connecting the Wires to the NILD2-GAA
The 2-pole connector terminal on the green LED lamp board (NILD2-GAA) has two terminals with one
connection point at each terminal. A connection point accepts one solid wire of maximum wire size of 24
AWG (0.5mm). To connect the wires first strip 1/4 in. (6mm) of the insulation from the end of each wire
which is to be connected.
After stripping the wire, insert the wire in the appropriate opening of the connection point by pressing
the wire firmly into the terminal, as illustrated below:
Figure 47. Connecting the wires of an external lamp
Each connection point in the connector terminal accepts only one solid wire.
Maximum wire size 24 AWG (0.5mm).