TD 93021US
17 July 2017 / Ver. PF3
Installation Guide
8.4.2 LF Planning Considerations
The NILF has an LF transmitter with a maximum transmissions range of approximately 9 feet radius, but
this will vary depending on the environment. Therefore an area to be covered must be within a maximum
of 9 feet of the NILF. The NILF is best mounted on a wall or at a door post at approximately 4 feet above
the floor.
The shape of the NILF coverage area in the following illustrations are theoretical and
in practice the coverage area could be distorted by environmental influences such as metal
objects, strong magnetic fields and electric motors.
Figure 175. Wall Mounted NILF vertical coverage
When setting up the LF power of the NILF be aware that penetration of the LF signal to adjacent floors
can cause a disturbance on the adjacent floors. Adjust the output power of the LF field to minimize the
risk of disturbance to adjacent floors.
Figure 176. Reduced LF coverage minimizing disturbance.