TD 93021US
17 July 2017 / Ver. PF3
Installation Guide
LED Lamp Boards (NILD2)
The LED lamp board contains four high intensity LED lamps which are used in the corridor lamp of the
room controller and corridor lamp. The three pins in the back side of the board are used to connect the
LED lamp board through holes in the back side of the room controller or corridor lamp printed circuit
board. The room controller and the corridor lamp each accept up to four LED lamp boards.
Figure 43. NILD2 - LED lamp board front and back view
The color of the LEDs is determined during manufacture and cannot be changed. A resistor on the
component side (front) of the board indicates the color of the LEDs, as shown in the following illustration:
Figure 44. NILD2 - LED lamp boards: white, red, green, yellow and blue
The LED lamp boards can be plugged into any of the LED connection points on the room controller board
and the corridor lamp but it is normal to have each color in the same position in every room controller
board. The functioning of the LEDs colors is determined by the system setup.
The NILD2 - LED lamp boards are not delivered as part of the room controller and
therefore, must be ordered separately.