TD 93021US
17 July 2017 / Ver. PF3
Installation Guide
3.2.1 Ethernet LAN Cable
The cable required for the Ethernet LAN must comply with the specification TIA/IEA 568-A Category 5 or
higher. This is a standard 4 x unshielded twisted pair (UTP) solid bare copper with a diameter of 24 AWG
Table 1. Recommended Ethernet LAN cable
The maximum length of the Cat 5 (or higher) Ethernet LAN cable is 328 feet/100
3.2.2 Room Bus Cable
The room bus cable connects the room controller to the associated teleCARE IP peripherals. It consists of
four wires which carry 5.5 volts, Data, Voice and Ground.
The recommended cable for the room bus is TIA/IEA 568-A Category 5 or higher. It is also acceptable to
use 2 x twisted pairs of solid copper wires each 20 AWG (0.8mm). The table below shows the
recommended cable type and maximum cable length.
Table 2. Recommended teleCARE room bus cable
Room Bus Cable Considerations
It is important to consider the factors of cable length and load when installing the room bus for the
following reasons:
• The resistance of the wires in the room bus cable increases with the length and this causes the
voltage to decrease progressively along the length of the cable.
• The room bus voltage also drops in proportion to the load.
• The effect of “cross-talk” increases as the cable length increases.
Room Bus Power Considerations
The room bus power supply output from the room controller is limited to 500mA per room bus but the
maximum acceptable load on the room bus decreases significantly as the distance from the room
controller increases due to the resistance of the room bus cable.
Room Bus Voltage Considerations
The power supply to the room bus at the output from the room controller is >5.5Vdc without load but
this will drop as the room bus cable length and/or the load increases. The minimum acceptable voltage at
any point on the room bus cable is 4.5Vdc.
Room Bus Cable Length and Power Limitations
The IP Room Controller offers up to four room buses. The load of any room bus must not exceed 300mA
and the minimum acceptable voltage anywhere along the room bus is 4.5 volts.
Cable Type
Wire Size
Diameter / AWG
Max. Cable
TIA/IEA 568-A, Category 5 or higher (4 x UTP)
24 AWG (0.5mm)
328ft (100m)
Cable Type
Wire Size
Diameter / AWG
Max. Cable
TIA/IEA 568-A Category 5 or higher (4 x UTP)
24 AWG (0.5mm)
98.4ft (30m)