TD 93021US
17 July 2017 / Ver. PF3
Installation Guide
5.2.2 NIRC3 Parts
The NIRC3 includes a housing, a translucent dome cover, and a printed circuit board which has four
connectors for LED boards. The LED board (must be ordered separately) is available in five colors: red,
green, yellow, white, and blue. The LEDs are used for the signaling of calls, staff presence, and faults.
Figure 12. Room controller (NIRC3) parts
5.2.3 Blank Front Cover for the Room Controller
A blank solid plastic front cover for the room controller is available in white. The blank front cover is fitted
to the room controller in place of the standard front cover with a translucent dome. It is used when there
is no requirement for LED lamps on the room controller.
Figure 13. NIRC3 room controller with blank front cover
The blank front cover must be ordered separately.